East African Magistrates’ and Judges’ Association
The East African Magistrates' and Judges' Association (EAMJA) draws membership from the organizational bodies representing magistrates and judges in the three East African countries, namely; Kenya Magistrates' and Judges' Association, (KMJA), Uganda Judicial Officers' Association, (UJOA), and the Judges' and Magistrates' Association of Tanzania (JMAT).
EAMJA's historical background dates back to March, 2000 during the KMJA Annual General Meeting held in Nairobi, Kenya, when a meeting between KMJA representatives and delegation from UJOA, revived an idea hatched earlier on to form a regional body. There followed other meetings in Kampala, Uganda and Arusha, Tanzania. During the Arusha meeting held on 22nd February, 2001, the idea was discussed further this time in the presence of representatives from JMAT. During this meeting, three associations resolved to form the EAMJA. This culminated in the EAMJA launch on the 1st of September 2001 in Mombasa, Kenya.
The Association has since organized various activities around institutional development, and conferences to judicial issues of sub-regional concern. It was granted observer status with the East African Community (EAC), which has promised support for the EAMJA. One of the projects the Association has been undertaking is the publication of 'The East African Judicial Journal.'
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